Scheme of Subjects


  1. Sensory knowledge through play way toys, models & montessori equipments, Smart Classes.
  2. Moral Education through stories, poems, songs & display pictures.
  3. Environmental Studies.
  4. Language (Hindi).
  5. Language (English).
  6. Mathematics.
  7. Games & Exercise and Rhymes.
  8. All subjects through Smart Classes.

1st & 2nd Standard

  1. Moral Education through stories, poems, music & Sabha activities.
  2. Drawing.
  3. C.Ds. Computer.
  4. Environmental Science.
  5. Hindi with special emphasis to read & write well.
  6. English with special emphasis to read, speak & write well/G.K.
  7. All subjects through Smart Classes

3rd to 5th Standard

  1. Moral Education through stories, poems, music & Bal Sabha activities & C.Ds.
  2. Drawing.
  3. General Knowledge.
  4. Environmental Science.
  5. Hindi.
  6. English.
  7. Mathematics.
  8. Computer.
  9. All subjects through Smart Classes.

Middle Class 6th, 7th, 8th Standard

  1. Hindi.
  2. English.
  3. Science.
  4. SST.
  5. Sanskrit.
  6. Mathematics.
  7. Work Experience (Computer).
  8. All subjects through Smart Classes.

Secondary Classes (9th & 10th Standard)

  1. Hindi.
  2. English.
  3. Mathematics.
  4. Science & Technology.
  5. Social Science.
  6. Music Instr.
  7. All subjects through Smart Classes.

PLUS TWO CLASSES (11th & 12th Standard)

Streams / Faculties Subject Combination
Non-Medical/Medical English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science, Biology, Physical Education
Commerce English, Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Maths, Hindi, Computer Science
Humanities English, Economics, Political Science, Music, Mathematics, History/Sanskrit, Geography, Hindi, Computer Science, Physical Education.